Dear reader,
The second half of 2022 was a busy one for the Centre. We continued our work with the Egyptian COP Presidency that kicked off in June 2022 with a foundation workshop at UNFCCC in Bonn. In November 2022 Cemune delivered our renowned Endgame Facilitation Workshop to Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his team to support them in their preparations for the climate negotiations in Sharm El-Sheikh.
At the same time, our support of the COP28 Presidency has begun; we hosted two workshops in Abu Dhabi in November to assist in their preparations.
Our work for 2022 culminated in hosting two notable events at COP27. The festive launch of our new Circle of friends, the Cemune Global Circle, at Goals House, and a high-profile panel at the EU Pavilion on the future of the UNFCCC process.
At COP27, the Centre also welcomed Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan to the Centre’s Advisory Board and her initiative, the UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators (UICCA), as a new member of the CEMUNE Global Circle. The Centre signed an MOU at COP27 to further cooperation in the GCC region.
Looking forward to 2023, our work with the UAE Presidency for COP28 will continue throughout the year, we will intensively work with UNCCD, and there are many more exciting projects in the pipeline.
As always, you are welcome to follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. If you want to learn more or support us, please reach out to us at
Best wishes over the holiday season and all the best for 2023,
Kai and Magnus

COP27 Presidency workshop in Cairo with the Foreign Minister of Egypt
Following on from CEMUNE’s successful Foundation Workshop with the Egyptian Presidency in May 2022, CEMUNE hosted its annual Endgame Strategy Workshop ahead of COP27. Former COP Presidents, Climate Champions, Civil Society Experts and Negotiators were invited by the Centre to share their insights to help finetune the Egyptian Presidency’s strategy for hosting COP27. They provided valuable advice based on their experiences and lessons learned from prior COPs and other processes.
During the workshop, participants reflected on tools and methods available to the Presidency to define and implement their convergence strategies, and consider how to engender trust and ensure transparency. All while committing to being as efficient as possible, allowing for fruitful teamwork and using “friends of the Presidency” productively. Communication strategies for the endgame and the engagement of non-state actors were also considered.
Watch the video below for our participants’ insights on ambition and expectations ahead of COP27.

CEMUNE Support for the UNFCCC COP28 Presidency

CEMUNE has already begun its support for UNFCCC COP28 Presidency, which is held by the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Building on its strong track record of advising UNFCCC COP Presidencies, the Centre began its programme with a training on negotiation basics using the Harvard Concept. We also provided seminars on climate hot topics and climate process. Looking ahead to 2023, key areas of support will include issues around key deliverables for COP28, including the Global Stock Take (GST). Together with the Presidency, we will do our best to ensure that COP28 will have a strong outcome to drive forward progress on one of the most pressing issues of our time.
CEMUNE Global Circle Launch event at COP27 Goals House
On 10th of November 2022, we officially launched the Cemune Global Circle, a group of true friends of multilateralism, at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh. The Circle marks a new era for CEMUNE, uniting governments, international organizations, civil society, businesses, and individuals that join forces to scale CEMUNE's activities for multilateralism in this world under stress.
On this occasion, Dr Kai Monheim, Founder and Managing Partner, CEMUNE, led a high-level roundtable, "In Discussion with Changemakers: The Future of Global Negotiations" at Goals House, focusing on the question if there is a better process to make multilateral negotiations on key global challenges like climate change more inclusive for civil society and business.
We would like to thank all our supporters for making a difference to global cooperation! Interested?
Check out more on the Cemune Global Circle and its Founding Members!

Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan from UICCA joins as our new Advisory Board Member

It is with great honour that we welcome Her Highness Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan as a new member of our advisory board!
At COP27, we also sat down with Her Highness, as head of the UAE Independent Climate Change Accelerators (UICCA), and signed an MoU to further cooperation in the region, developing local and regional insights, and strategic relationships, as well as delivering tailored industry workshops and driving policy-process exercises in the #GCC.
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Research Tips
Pipart, F., & Earsom, J. (2022). Conference Diplomacy in the Era of COVID: How do international environmental fora adapt to virtual formats?. NÉGOCIATIONS, 2022, 17.
Pipart, F. (2022). Achieving Ambitious Positions in Multilateral Chemicals Negotiations: How does the European Union influence the Negotiation Outcomes?. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 18(1).
Walker, H. (2022). What Drives Trust in Chairs of Multilateral Negotiations? Rational, Relational, Reputational, and Emergent Trust: A Multidimensional Model. Journal of Global Security Studies, 7(3).